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۴ مطلب در دی ۱۳۸۶ ثبت شده است

Change jvm heap size


We can change jvm heap size with following runtime parameter :

java -Xms -Xmx

example :

java -Xms32m -Xmx512m

you can see these links for more parameter(switch) :

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سعید زرین فام

Using apt to install one or more .deb files

Hi friends

First create a directory where you will place all your .deb files. For this example, I will use /home/debs. Copy all .deb files to this directory. Change into this directory:

cd /home/debs

Create a Packages.gz file with this command:

dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null | gzip -c -9 > Packages.gz

Edit to your sources.list file and add a line like this:

deb file:///home/debs /

Update your package lists:

apt-get update

Now you can install your package with apt-get.

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سعید زرین فام

Access to the dom element on the client side in woodstock components

Hi friends

I had some problem with accessing to the dom element in Netbeans 6 visual web . my problem solved with this post from venky .

thanks venky.
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سعید زرین فام

owning side of the relationship in JPA

Hi friends

There are some peculiarities with bidirectional relationships in JPA. With all bidirectional relationship types, including one-to-one, there is always the concept of an owning side of the relationship. see this sample :

public class CreditCard implements java.io.Serializable
private Customer customer;

public Customer getCustomer( )
return this.customer;

public void setCustomer(Customer customer)
this.customer = customer;

public class Customer implements java.io.Serializable
private CreditCard creditCard;

public CreditCard getCreditCard( )
return creditCard;

public void setCreditCard(CreditCard card)
this.creditCard = card;

Although a setCustomer( ) method is available in the CreditCard bean class, it will not cause a
change in the persistent relationship if we set it. When we marked the @OneToOne relationship in the CreditCard bean class with the mappedBy( ) attribute, this designated the CreditCard entity as the inverse side of the relationship. This means that the Customer entity is the owning
side of the relationship.
If you wanted to associate a CreditCard instance with a different Customer , you would have to call setCreditCard( ) on the old Customer, passing in null, and then call setCreditCard( ) on the new Customer:

Customer newCust = em.find(Customer.class, newCustId);
CreditCard card = oldCustomer.getCreditCard( );

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سعید زرین فام